Some would say a twin door isn’t for converting to a camper van.
This is another proud creation going out this week. The kitchen area features a high gloss detachable worktop, roller shutter radial end and plenty of storage. All LED lights are energy saving for that important battery capacity on a dim-able remote control.
But why use a twin door? Access is the answer. The water, gas and grey waste water tank are all accessible from the off-side sliding door, while still looking very nice from the inside. This not common and we have made good use of this feature for easy access and ‘hiding away’ the stuff you don’t want to see. We can convert any van and we work with you on ideas and what you want to use it for to create the perfect addition to your family.
The near side tambor door is of a high quality with a Smev 9722 sink with electric fed water taps. The drawer is a soft close drawer. The floor is Altro Black Sparkle used in commercial buses and wet rooms with all doors and floor insulated with ‘silent coat’ sound deadening made from recycled plastic bottles.
The bed is rock and roll 3/4 black leatherette Bentley stitching with the VW logo stitched in. The bed can be stowed away or simply pull a lever to pull it out when you want to use it. The bed also has two seat belts when set up as a seat and M1 crash tested. Everything is of a high quality and we would love to show you more here at our base in Felixstowe. Come see, feel and test the quality and enjoy one of our current camper conversions in progress.
Please contact us and come and meet the team that will make your dream come to reality.